CAPFITO INFORMATION POINT OF SALE P.zza Innocenzo Vigliardi Paravia 9/c10144 39 0110205159 FAQ INFORMATION REQUEST FORM CONTACT US Name Email Phone Item Message The undersigned data subject, having acquired the information provided by the data controller pursuant to Article 13 of Leg. 196/2003, he/she gives his/her free and informed consent to the processing of his/her personal data, for the purposes indicated in the aforementioned information notice, as necessary to enable the Controller to properly manage the relationship and to process the data in an appropriate manner. The provision of data is obligatory and any refusal to provide such data will result in the failure to register the user and, therefore, the inability to take advantage of the services offered. Spam Quiz: Whichever number is greater between 12 and 9? Please leave this field empty. I have read the information and I give my consent Privacy Policy